COVID-19 Policies

General Philosophy

Peak Potential takes community health and safety seriously. We follow the current CDC recommendations with the goal of keeping everyone safe, healthy, and attending school in-person.

HVAC filters and in-classroom filters are used throughout the building in combination with open windows as weather allows. Community outings and overnight expedition protocols will be centered on maintaining COVID-19 safety, following recommendations from CDC and health professionals.

Generally, students should plan to practice social distancing and to wash their hands regularly. We will start the school year without masking. However, should the CDC or Gallatin County recommend it, we will require that students and faculty wear high quality masks.

COVID Testing

Our faculty and staff are vaccinated and COVID-19 tested weekly. Students and volunteers are invited to test weekly at school, at no cost, with parental consent. Testing is free and self-administered.


We will closely follow CDC and AAP recommendations for masking. Should the CDC or Gallatin County recommend it we will resume masking indoors and in vehicles unless we are eating or drinking, regardless of vaccination status. Lunch breaks are outside, weather permitting.